Transport Companies have saved more cost by evading penalties with Passenger Intelligent ID Verification

Proof of passenger legitimacy, avoiding penalties and ensuring smoothing operations

Reduce risk and improve regulatory compliance

Ensure an implementation respecting regulations and provides increased security through the management of who can access which data and according to which conditions.

Define policies for your data collection, processes & user journey

Secure data

Better define and manage the characteristics of each data point and the level of security required for each operation.

Manage policies

Get full control of all transactions according to different policies applied and links to the operation.

Manage identity

Access outstanding reporting allowing implementation of the best measures for identity management, using artificial intelligence.

Advanced features

Website icones (50)

Data Governance

Reduce risk and improve regulatory compliance with customer-related data governance while providing personal data information management according to designed policies.

Identity Validation

Ensure ID document authentication and validation to comply with Know Your Customer (KYC), Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) regulations without inconveniencing customers.

Authentication Assurance Level Management

Design the authentication assurance according to regulation needs and describe the degree of confidence in whether a user that presented a credential, is in fact the authorized user.

Identity Assurance Level Management

Design the assurance level related to each workflow managing identities and describe the degree of confidence in the process of data information management.

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